(PRERNA-The Special Education Wing)
"Our mission is to provide students who might be ignored and misunderstood in mainstream schools, a caring environment by facilitating them through qualified professionals to nurture their potential and develop them into confident and contributing members of society."
The Special Education Wing has been renamed as Prerna which depictsits motto Wings of Motivation where children with some special needs are empowered to live their lives independently and confidently with main stream of the society developing their individual potentials. It was started in the year 2014 and within five years of its promotion,Perna has earned a good reputation for providing high -quality inclusive education to children with special abilities.
Within the five years of its promotion,earned a good reputation for providing high-quality inclusive education to children with disabilities.
Students are mentored by highly qualified full-time educators including occupational, speech therapists, counseling psychologist, shadow teachers and special educators who administer individualized learning programmes.
"The objective of PRERNA is to provide standard education which accelerates awareness and acceptance of children with different learning or emotional needs. The school offers its inclusive education programme to students with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia and ADHD, and a differentiated learning programme to students with development delays and autism spectrum disorder.To this end, we have well trained special needs teachers and expert therapists working with us.
- Occupational Therapist continuously assesses students for their motor skills, eye-hand co-ordination, visual sequencing and scanning using the best equipment and aids.
- Speech Therapist enable students to overcome stammering, stuttering, and develop vocabulary and expressive skills,"
To fulfil the mission of delivering holistic integrated education, the School management has liberally invested in academic, remedial and co-curricular facilities. The compact CGCC campus offers one speech and language therapy labs, one occupational therapy and sensory integration gyms, a library, an art room, 3 temperature-controlled remedial classrooms, audio-visual aids, computer lab, multi-purpose hall, counseling rooms and psychology lab for research and development purpose.
- Counseling services are provided to students as well as parents.
- During PTM one to one parent counseling is provided on prior appointment.
- Time to time Workshop is conducted by renowned Psychologists on various current issues as Healthy Parenting.
- How to Guide Children for Their Career planning , Handling Teenage Issues, Understanding Individual Differences, Gender Sensitization etc.